Sunday, August 28, 2005


an echo rippled accross the giants

draped in lush green attire

that chill taking the blues away

from a petrified body in gloom

giving me a reason to smile

and wonder the time swooshing good bye....

as the winds swirled by

rescuing me from the stagnant sattire

streams of dilemma reunited to void

leaving me all alone in bliss

the rains of grace drenched me

in gratitude never revealed

calming the fire within and without

i was home after so long.....


Blogger _ said...

hmm!! well that's for returning the favour!! if you blog only about poetry?

Sun Aug 28, 11:20:00 AM 2005  
Blogger jac said...

Your home is where you feel
the pleasure of being safe
Your home is where you have
a quilt of siken `memoirs
Your home is where you sing
a song of silvery past
Your home is where you spin
a web of dreamy thoughts.
your home is where you laugh
like never you laughed before.

Sun Aug 28, 12:20:00 PM 2005  
Blogger saurav said...


Sun Aug 28, 07:38:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Soumyadip said...

Born and brought up in the hills, they never fail to mesmerise me.

Tue Aug 30, 07:51:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Tarun said...

Nainital reminds me my old college days.....thanks

Wed Aug 31, 09:05:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Shivangi Misra said...

You from Nainital? I've been to that place like a million times. It was our standard hang out during vacation, so its like a second home... But its increasingly become crowded and dirty. Loved the road on the other side of the lake... what was it called? thandi sadak?? what r u doing in delhi? post grad thru?

Thu Sep 01, 12:56:00 AM 2005  
Blogger iamnasra said...

Im so proud to write
Your wrods are so powerful

Fri Sep 02, 03:08:00 PM 2005  
Blogger meetu said...

rajat hmmm
avik thx buddy
jac wao u seem to get the
message clearly
Soumyadip hills are enchanting...mother nature blossoms there

tarun mitu welcome to my blog
and shivangi

nasra thanks good to hear such words from a gifted poetess like u.

Sat Sep 03, 03:51:00 AM 2005  
Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

streams of dilemma reunited to void

leaving me all alone in bliss

Beautifully put. ^_^ My first time on your blog, and I have relished the reading experience. (My fave here so far is the piece entitled "Rejuvenation.")

Do write more. Dream well. ^_^

Sat Sep 03, 09:30:00 AM 2005  
Blogger meetu said...


welcome to my blog long as i am writing you will know i am living ..

Sat Sep 03, 01:16:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Samba said...

U remind me of reading wordsworth!

Tue Sep 06, 07:26:00 AM 2005  
Blogger meetu said...

oh dear friend samba
wordsworth is my favourite esp his powerful expressions on nature and its magic ..i am just a novice so the comparison doesnt hold valid ...

welcome to my blog....

Tue Sep 06, 12:02:00 PM 2005  
Blogger nader galal said...

افضل شركه تنظيف بالرياض شركه الصفرات تقوم الشركه باداء الخدمه على افضل وجه. حيث ان الشركه تمتلك عماله محترفه ومدربه فى كافه الخدمات التى تقدمها الشركه .تقدم شركتنا العماله المتعدده الجنسيات المدربه على احث وسائل واجهزه التنظيف العالميه المتسورده
%تهتم الشركه اهتماما كبيرا براحه العميل والاسره حيث ان الشركه تمتلك احث الاجهزه التى لا تسبب ازعاح افراد الاسره كما ان الشركه تضمن للعميل ضمان الخدمه المتفق عليها مسبقا وبالاسعار المتفق عليها تقدم الشركه لعملائها الكرام خصومات تصل الى 30
طواااااااااال العام شركه الصفرات جائت بكافه الخدمات من اجل سعادتك وعدم انشغالك بخدمات التنظيف. الشركه مسؤله عن كافه متتطلبات التنظيف ولا تطلب من العميل اى شي .اهم ما يميز شركتنا هى سرعه استجابه طلب الخدمه فى كافحه انحاء الرياض الشركه
تعمل طوال الاربعه وعشرون ساعه يوميا شركه الصفرات من اضمن الشركات بالرياض على الاطلاق من حيث العماله وادوات واجهزه التنظيف ومواد العزل وادوات كشف التسريبات تمتلك الشركه افض انواع المنظفات المستورده شركه الصفرات فى خدمتك وخدمه اسرتك فى اى
.وقت كل ما عليك هو التواصل مع مندوبنا عبر الارقام الموضحه سيصك فريق العمل المتخصص بافضل المعدات لأداء الخدمه المطلوبه
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Fri Aug 09, 09:25:00 AM 2019  

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