Thursday, June 05, 2008

REST assured

winds blew the saffron

from flares of my dress

twisting and curling

to my joy from within

read my mind

understand the rhyme

my song no less than


caress my hair

oh crazy wind

drench me all over again

embrace of rain

my laughter is unchained

unstoppable , uninterrupted

so pure , so novel

taste of freedom , taste of tussle

within my heart and mind

i hear none

i heard my self

beyond these

come share my joy

be with me

on this voyage

no bars , no rules , no age

like a conqueror

after a battle for glory

a solved riddle

deciphered mystery

free for once and all

free in this fall

to rise to eternity

holding your hand

cuddled in your embrace

i am at peace ....

long lost peace

now i wish to sleep .............


Blogger jac said...

Stay awake meet.

Wed Jun 11, 10:14:00 PM 2008  
Blogger sisodiaraj said...

mind bloing whats the sorce of yur ideaz

Fri Mar 27, 11:24:00 PM 2009  

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