Sunday, November 19, 2006

ebony ordeal

of course she knew
none would welcome her
on her arrival
never a praise showered
never a word uttered
true to her duty's honour,
like a veiled beauty
night crawled lavishly
snaking through glitters
sprinkled on her robe.
a gaze through the window
radiated cold aurora
eclipsed by grandeur of moon
even in her quiet trails
nightwould never fall asleep.
dawn challenges her modesty
for she would never allow
humanity to remain in dark
and see the truth
in all its glory
and all its shine
daughter of mighty ticking time
she promises to return
to offer her laps
from a day of harsh world
to rest your head on.
sleep her exuberant gift
to prepare you
for a new dawn's spirit
she would wear
the twilight attire
like a new bride's desire
pure grace no satire
night is boundless beauty
for all to decipher.......

Friday, November 17, 2006

shed masks!

hazy strokes of twilight

playing hide and seek

dancing waves of ocean

warm sand lavished

beneath my feet

how better could be a paradise

than this captivated view

in front of my eyes

rhythm in breeze

sparks desire of embrace

to a vast stretch of clouds ahead

caressing skin of zooming waves

bidding farewell to amber ball

I was only breaths

inside and outside

a union shadowed in

glitz and glamour

of maddening buzz in streets

and a crazy rush

to none knows where

breath is a secret

none knew its revelation

it makes everything lose its meaning

watching the dying waves

merging with the ocean

I felt an unknown connection

to that wave on ocean

being in ocean like that goldfish

water inside and outside

how can one question

the same ocean

it alone was our final introduction

shed all masks........

Friday, November 10, 2006

Stolen childhood

dream through those twinkling eyes
are not dead despite a lost delight
life's hard equations barbed on them
fencing their basic right to life
their misery wrapped in disguise
bleeding to turn a deadly cancer
over time in nations future
the promise of youth
lies naked on streets
begging so they can have a life
dungeons of a stolen childhood
petrified their dreamy eyes
living for they don't have a choice
while the rest of us can have
an unabashed rejoice
these young angels work
in deadly establishments
with no contrasts of day and night
feeding their families
burning their flesh
in assaults on their mind soul and flesh
robbed of the beauty of innocence
time would turn them to mass violence
for what the society cant give them today
will be snatched form it tomorrow...


Sometimes our worst fears crop up
dared in shame attired agony
no relief in sight
no panacea to work
just a lingering thought
do we talk them out
or stay the course?
an endless dilemma
and no end in sight
failed laws of gravity
the more one suppress
the more they surface
confession is hardest beacon
would you be left alone
or have a shoulder
to rest your head on?
a revelation that stood test of time
you may bet a thousand dime
love would triumph without a doubt
even when a dirty truth
yell its lungs out
strength would be born
on ashes of pain
when you have courage
to confess the same
when the heart is heavy
pour out the load
to one who cared
speak up before its too late
a lost chance may change
to a predator waiting to devour
the love nurtured in cocoons of faith
it is never too late
it is still not late......

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A end ,no beginning

I kept calling you
all I heard were the echoes
of my own voice
when I went looking out to u
all I saw was my own reflection
in the mirror
when I open my arms
so i can grab you close to me
all i get is an endless void
stretching to infinity
crawled an inkling out
sharpened on razors of reason
failing badly to grasp even an iota of you
alas ! All conversations broke soon
starving my senses
with nothing left to feed
and no more plans ahead
so unplumbed under an open sky
nothing that my palms could grab
no turning back no stopping by
void is not so lifeless as it looked
void can be so full
was all an experience
silence could speak things
that intellect can not comprehend
a tough game of unflinching faith
why starve yourself a thrill
you have never known
and you would not know
to seek it play it and win it
all by yourself........
for my journey has started
and it still continues.........

Saturday, November 04, 2006


like a free falling leaf
carried by powerful breeeze
to unknown destinations
an exuberant flight
an escape to some place
where hypocrisy fades
where treachery doesnt hide ,
behind innocent face
where blood relations,
are not mocked at
where woman is someone,
beyond her body and flesh
where creator of creation,
need not be proved by reason
where echoes of laughter
not too expensive to spare
where there is no mad rush
for things we already possessed
where blessings have a meaning
and not just a verbal gimmick
where destitutes and dejected
are not left to die on roadsides
where mother nature
is not robbed and left to bleed
where silence is all enduring
do we really need a language
alas utopias are embedded in imagination
or can they really exist?
i left a thought in cosmo
hoping it will resonate
to humanity lost in frailty
someday somewhere somehow......amen!

Animations - dove-02 Animations - cat leaps